Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pictures from Lugano


nyreed said...


Could you please look into creating one separate section of this blog devoted to more good lookin' men like this? Hey, I'm not prejudiced -- they don't have to be Swiss......any European man (hell - any man) will do.


Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh-- gorgeous!! You are going to have so much fun!!!

Pat Livingston said...

The Griswolds send you much success and happiness at your new Swiss post! You'll be able to travel the world...what a dream job. Better do it now while you are still single. Link's doing that...but he is not international yet...he's in Maine now...not too exciting...very boring. He likes Rhode Island better...Newport in particular...he is headed back there for two weeks soon and then heading for Charleston...then the Bahamas after that. We will see him for a week during Thanksgiving and three days during Christmas...you'll be heading home for the holidays before you know it!! I assume the cute guy is either your boyfriend or a really cute Swiss guy!! Keep the pictures coming...it is really quaint there!! Good luck!

Slice said...

Hey lady! Looks like so much fun! And its gorqeous there! I hope you are having a great time, and I love this "Misplaced Texan" sticker - I need to invest in one of those, too!

britany graves said...

ms.haglund you look so happy. those pictures are amazing.

♥britany graves